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Man stands behind counter holding a bottle

Meet your local wine and cider maker, Geoff McDonald.

Bains Road Cider Company is Haldimand County’s first and only licensed winery and has been operating since 2011. Geoff purchased a derelict mushroom farm in 2007 and began renovating it into the business of his dreams, and he hasn’t looked back since.

Geoff produces small batches made from locally sourced surplus fruits that would normally go to waste, and provides quality beverages. Bains Road Cider’s flavorful variety includes Wild Pear Cider, Strawberry Cider, Sparkling Apple and Sparkling Peach Wine, Black Currant Dessert Wine, Iced Apple Cider, and he looks to produce available to create even more unique flavours.

Geoff has been attending the Dunnville Farmers Market for many years and has been expanding to include the Caledonia Farmers Market on Thursdays. Geoff is excited to be able to share his product with his neighboring communities.

Geoff and other local makers can be found at the Dunnville and Caledonia Farmers Markets.

Dunnville Farmers Market – Tuesdays 2-7 pm and Saturdays 7 am-noon

Hagersville Farmers Market – Wednesdays 7 am-noon

Caledonia Farmers Market – Thursdays 2-7 pm.